Monday 3 March 2014

Capture your environment as a 3D model

This is pretty cool, Bobby Harris from wr7productions put me onto this.

"Structure SDK" is a device you can attach to your ipad that will allow you to capture your environment... not only as an image but as a 3D model.... think about that for a minute!

"Capture dense 3D models with the push of a button. Structure allows you to capture dense geometry. This enables you to simulate real world physics. The possibilities are incredible."

You can use this device to scan a room and accurately measure it's dimensions or an object such as a table and virtually (are we talking about augmented reality here?) place that table in your room using your ipad!

Architecturally and for interior design the possibilities are endless! Oh and it can also be used for gaming...

"The Structure Sensor enables games where virtual objects can actually go behind real world objects. It’s going to get hard to know where reality ends and imagination begins."

Check out the video, this device is affordable and easy to use.... I want one! BAD!


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    About two years ago I got an interest in going into the Architectural industry and decided to attend University for Architectural and...