Wednesday 25 September 2013

Book Review: Shutting Up!

I just recently ordered two books from Amazon called 

Shutting Up: Listening to Your Employees, Leading by Example, and Maximizing Productivity

"Hey, manager: please shut up already! Too many new managers, often promoted from the best of the front-line workers, lack the basic ability to interact effectively-speaking when they should be listening, and listening . . . well, not much."

I've followed Eric Wagners Blog Shutting Up! for a while now and found it a great resource.

It's essential to read books like this as it helps remind you not only how to be a good manager or leader but basically how to work with people both professionally and personally.

We should always seek ways to improve ourselves and this book should be added to your tool kit of self improvement!


FYI... I do not receive these book from publishers or writers, I do not get paid or receive any form of compensation for writing these reviews.... I occasionally do hear from the author and that's always fun, but otherwise I review these books because I feel they are a crucial part of being a BIM Manager... knowing the software is only a part of the job, you have to learn how to work with the people at the other side of the screen!!

Check out these book as well:

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