Tuesday 16 July 2013


Ukrainian has many churches, typically Orthodox and Catholic, not only throughout the country but there quite often will be more than one in each village.
These churches are very ornate and are a focus point of the community.

This church is one of the older styles with a log or timber base with a metal roof or metal cladding above. The metal cladding is very ornate.
On many more affluent churches the dome is of a different metal to imitate gold and in the cities some of the church domes are actually covered in gold leaf.
The structure of this church shown above was built entirely without metal fasteners in a region famous for its woodwork.

Note the very ornate chandelier and interior.

Many churches were destroyed during the Soviet rules and those that survived were used as administration buildings and subsequently preserved. Often in those cases the occupants saved the church relics and sacred items.


1 comment:

  1. Are these similar to Norwegian Stave Churches? Very cool.


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